The other day I wrote a bit about Dwarven Forge’s various Kickstarters for their Dwarvenite range of dungeon terrain sets. Something that I didn’t mention at the time was that I think that this current set – the City Builder Terrain System, is really well suited for wargames and skirmish wargames in particular.
What Is the City Builder Terrain System?

A sample build of a small city area that would work for a skirmish game set in an urban environment. This uses parts from the Capital City pledge, Imperial Streets set and various smaller add on sets
Without rehashing everything I wrote in my previous post, Dwarven Forge’s City Builder Terrain is a modular, durable, plastic terrain system that allows you to build up urban areas for your tabletop games. Dwarvenite is a heavy duty polymer that’s fairly indestructible and holds its finish well. It’s so durable that some folks just carry around their sets in a tote or duffel bag.
What Can I Make With The City Builder Terrain System?
The City Builder Terrain System sets are fairly complex and give you a wide range of options. They can be purchased in a “dungeon gray” unpainted version or completely finished and ready to deploy on to your game table. These can range from just a small building or two that are designed as more of a movement obstacle for mass battles all the way up to a massive city with a wide range of multi level buildings constructed of different materials and fortification levels. There are even sets available that allow you to construct the sewer system and all of this can be used in conjunction to create some complex battlefields.

This battle starts in the buildings and on the surrounding streets, entering into a canal and ultimately descending into the sewers making this a complex and fun battlefield. This set up uses a mix of the new Dwarven Forge City Building sets along with Game Tiles and Caverns water tile sets, demonstrating how all of the various Dwarvenite sets are fully compatible.
This is especially useful for smaller skirmish level games like Malifaux, or Mordheim. The hotly anticipated new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles has also been widely rumored to be or have an additional set of rules making it into a skirmish game
While the Dwarven Forge City Builder Terrain System is themed around a medieval period I think it’s fairly flexible and could be used for a wide variety of settings. You could simulate a rural or old city area in Bolt Action. It’s suitable for many historical games as well. It’s probably also great for some of the Steampunk themed skirmish games that are becoming more popular.
Check out this amazing multilevel build using pieces from the City Buildings, Battlements, City Streets and Sewers sets:
In addition to creating some complex exterior areas, the City Builder Terrain System can be used to create areas with fully finished interiors complete with stairways, line of sight obstacles, walls, doors, windows, balconies and more. There are also ruins add on packs to simulate blighted areas or damaged buildings. You could use the ruined pieces to modify buildings as your game progresses and things get damaged, dynamically changing the layout of obstacles and line of sight on the fly as a result of battle damage.
Pieces can also be combined with parts from previous sets to create water barriers or massive stone walls. The only limit is your imagination.
Dwarven Forge City Builder Terrain System for Skirmish Wargames? Yes please!
As a long time wargamer I really like the versatility of these sets. Typically wargamers tend to build or buy a few static building models and then use the same ones over and over. With the Dwarven Forge City sets you have a large selection of modular pieces that you can use to assemble something unique for your battlefield every time you play. Another benefit is that many static models, especially for medieval/fantasy architecture either don’t have interiors at all or are very limited due to the way they are manufactured. The Dwarvenite pieces give you the option to have fully realized interiors to your buildings. With the addition of accessories from other companies you can even place furniture and other items much like scatter terrain on the insides of your buildings.
Sample tavern interior and surrounding streets
This coupled with the huge range of accessories available from Dwarven Forge and the fact that unlike pre-made buildings which can be finicky and at times a bit fragile, the Dwarvenite parts are nearly indestructible and will probably last you a lifetime. I think these facts all add up to a great value for wargamers and even more so for skirmish gamers.
The Dwarven Forge City Builder Terrain System Kickstarter is in its final few days so head on over and take a look at what’s on offer. For more general information about Dwarven Forge and their products check out my other article here.
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