Review: Wall Mount Nail Polish/Hobby Paint Rack

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Nov 192015
Review: Wall Mount Nail Polish/Hobby Paint Rack

Something that seems to come up quite a bit in hobby forums and social media is the subject of paint storage. Pretty frequently I see people asking how other hobbyists store their hobby paints or if someone can recommend a pre-made hobby paint rack or storage unit. Hobby Paint Storage Racks Can Be Pricey You […]

Etsy Review: Typhoon Paint Mixer for Hobby & Airbrush Paints

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Nov 182015
Etsy Review: Typhoon Paint Mixer for Hobby & Airbrush Paints

Continuing the idea of sharing stuff that I’ve found to be useful or unique for gamers and hobbyists, today we’re going to look at something really different, the Typhoon Paint Mixer. The Typhoon Paint Mixer is available on Etsy from the seller Kennedys Art Supply. Just What Is The Typhoon Paint Mixer? Simply put it’s […]

Review: High Quality Dice Bags by Etsy Seller Greyed Out

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Nov 172015
Review: High Quality Dice Bags by Etsy Seller Greyed Out

Throughout the year I see and use lots of unique and useful items that I believe gamers and hobbyists would probably be interested in hearing about. Unfortunately, most of the time I jot down a few notes about these items or shoot out a quick tweet with the intent to share more info about them […]

Dwarven Forge City Builder Terrain is Great for Wargamers Too

 Board Games, News and Info, RPG, Tabletop Gaming  Comments Off on Dwarven Forge City Builder Terrain is Great for Wargamers Too
Mar 312015
Dwarven Forge City Builder Terrain is Great for Wargamers Too

The other day I wrote a bit about Dwarven Forge’s various Kickstarters for their Dwarvenite range of dungeon terrain sets. Something that I didn’t mention at the time was that I think that this current set – the City Builder Terrain System, is really well suited for wargames and skirmish wargames in particular. What Is […]

Mar 302015
Thoughts on the Dwarven Forge City Builder Terrain System Kickstarter

As you may or may not know, Dwarven Forge, makers of 3D dungeon themed modular gaming terrain recently launched their third Kickstarter for an entirely new City Building Terrain System set. This Kickstarter runs until 6:00 PM PDT on Thursday April 2nd. Here’s a look at the Kickstarter promo video where Dwarven Forge creator Stefan […]