Me and Wil Wheaton Want You to Play Board Games

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Mar 152013
Me and Wil Wheaton Want You to Play Board Games

Mention playing a board game and someone in the group usually says they’d rather walk over hot coals than endure what they remember as an exercise in aggravating, mind numbing futility. This is almost always because the only board game experiences that you probably remember are those tortuous marathons of frustration that were provided to […]

Custom Glassware For The Geek That Has Everything

 Beer, Geek Gifts, Geek News  Comments Off on Custom Glassware For The Geek That Has Everything
Mar 072013
Custom Glassware For The Geek That Has Everything

Looking for that unique gift for the geek in your life? Look no further, as Decoy’s Dork Decor has got you covered! This Etsy shop has a wide variety of geek-o-centric items but my favorites happen to be the etched glassware with designs from lots of different geek-appropriate genres. There’s a wide variety of glassware […]

Welcome to Holy Crap It’s Late!

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Mar 072013
Welcome to Holy Crap It's Late!

Welcome to Holy Crap It’s Late! First a little about me: I’m a “seasoned” geek who’s been playing computer games since I walked into the computer lab at school and saw Star Trek on a Commodore Pet computer. (Yeah, that was a long time ago!) Prior to that I’d started playing tabletop games after I […]