Jun 052014

You’ve probably realized that miniatures hobbyists are a fairly diverse group and while there are a lot of tried and true tricks of the trade there’s also a lot of varying opinions about how to get things done. One thing that the entire community is in agreement on though, is that you need good lighting and lots of it when you’re working on miniatures and models. Particularly so when painting.

One bit of advice that’s often repeated is that you should be using a daylight bulb in your lighting setup. This gets mentioned a lot but unfortunately no one usually bothers to explain what exactly a daylight bulb is and why you should use one. Today we’re going to do just that.

Just What the Heck is a Daylight Bulb Anyway?

This is probably the reaction some people have when hearing the phrase "daylight bulb" for the first time...

This is probably the reaction some people have when hearing the phrase “daylight bulb” for the first time…

The term “Daylight bulb” usually refers to the actual lamp in your desk light, in particular the color temperature or Kelvin (K) value. Without getting overly technical here we’re not talking about the wattage of the bulb but the actual color temperature of the light that the bulb gives off.

All bulbs have a K rating. Bulbs with a lower K rating will give off a more yellow colored light. As you go up the K rating scale the light becomes bluer and brighter. Your typical CFL light bulb around the house is probably in the 3000K to 4000K range. These typically have labels like Soft White, Warm White or Cool White. Candlelight is around 2000K or less, with the older incandescent bulbs coming in around the mid 2000’s.

Here's a reasonable example of what the  Kelvin (K) rating actually indicates over its range when it comes to light bulbs

Here’s a reasonable example of what the Kelvin (K) rating actually indicates over its range when it comes to light bulbs

At the other end of the spectrum we have bulbs that are considered Natural Light and these clock in around 5000K. Daylight bulbs are typically right around 6500K and simulate the suns light at mid day on a slightly overcast day. When people refer to Daylight bulbs this is the sweet spot (6500K) although you will see some bulbs marked as Daylight that are around 6000K.

Why Should I Care About Daylight Bulbs?

Are feeling kind of like Homer when it comes to Daylight bulbs? Don't worry, it'll all make sense in a minute!

Are you feeling kind of like Homer when it comes to Daylight bulbs? Don’t worry, it’ll all make sense in a minute!

There are several advantages to using Daylight bulbs. They give you close to ideal natural light so that the colors you are seeing aren’t distorted by the typical yellowy light source found in most homes and office or desk lamps. Daylight bulbs are commonly used by artists and designers who need to see colors in as close to natural lighting conditions as possible. This will help you accurately reproduce the colors you want when you’re painting miniatures, model kits and scenery.

Daylight bulbs will appear brighter even though they may be the same wattage as a lower K rated bulb. This will help you pick out details and see things better when you’re working on the small details and things like mixing and blending or shading paints.

Lastly, working under Daylight bulbs is actually easier on your eyes. This will allow you to work longer and with less eye strain than with more yellow, lower K rated lighting.

Where Do I Get Daylight Bulbs?

Ok, sounds good. Where do I find Daylight bulbs?

Ok, sounds good. Where do I find Daylight bulbs?

The nice thing about Daylight bulbs in 2014 is that they’re readily available. Finding these used to be kind of a hassle but over the last few years finding Daylight bulbs in a variety of packages has become fairly easy. They are available in most sizes of fluorescent tubes as well as CFL bulbs. Most brick and mortar hardware and lighting retailers carry a selection of Daylight bulbs and they can of course be found at Amazon and online specialty lighting shops. You’ll also be pleased to find that Daylight bulbs aren’t typically any more expensive than lower K rated bulbs – and if they are more expensive it’s usually only about a 10 to 15 percent premium. You may even be able to find Daylight rated LED lighting although that is still pretty pricey and not widely available.

Here’s a search results page at Amazon for various types of daylight bulbs.

Have something to add or a helpful tip? Feel free to share it in the comment section below. Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

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Miniature & Modeling Hobby Tools – More Essentials

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May 092014

The last couple of posts here have been about not spending absurd amounts of money on your basic tools for assembling and finishing miniatures and model kits. If you read “How To Save $100 On Hobby Tools” then you’ll recall that I mentioned I’d recommend  some other tools beyond the basics that you’ll probably want to add to your hobbying tool box with some of the money you’ve saved. Today we’ll take a look at a few items that I think are good choices for expanding your hobby tool set.

The following items are things that I use on a regular basis and are the tools I’ve come to rely on after a couple of decades of building miniatures and models. While there are a couple of essentials, you probably don’t need to run out and buy all of this stuff at once. I’ll offer up some suggestions and provide links to where you can purchase those items, usually on Amazon for convenience sake and because lots of items there ship free or free with an Amazon Prime membership.

Self Healing Cutting Mat

This particular item is pretty much your first additional must have. It’ll keep your work area from getting damaged by your tools, paint and glue. This is especially important if your work area happens to be your wifes (or moms) dining room table. Get a self healing cutting mat and get the largest one you can reasonably use (and afford) for the space you’re usually working in. Measure! I use an 18” X 24” mat which generally gives me a lot of room. I also have a small one that’s about 6” X “10” or so that I can throw in a bag if I’m putting together a little travel tool kit for a demo or a group build at my local FLGS.

Set yourself up with a cutting mat - particularly if your work area is the dining room table!

Set yourself up with a cutting mat – particularly if your work area is the dining room table!

Let There Be Light

The next item you’re going to want is a good light over your work space. These days Ott Lights seem to be all the rage but I personally don’t care for them other than the fact that they’re compact and somewhat portable. I use a pair of swing arm desk lamps with daylight bulbs that I got from Ikea a few years ago, unfortunately those are no longer available so I can’t recommend the exact ones I  have. If  you have an Ikea nearby, it’s worth braving the crowds there to check out their selection of desk and office lighting as they have a large variety of stuff. (It’s also a great place to find a workbench/desk and shelving or display cases for your hobby/game room.) Another lamp that is very popular with miniature painters is the LSF 150 but these also seem to be somewhat scarce. A friend of mine uses this Daylight Triple Bright Lamp and has been very satisfied with it. It’s available at Amazon but it’s a bit pricey. It does however, ship for free.

The Daylight Triple Bright Swing Arm Lamp

The Daylight Triple Bright Swing Arm Lamp

Another alternative is a lamp with a built-in magnifier. These are pretty easy to find and Harbor Freight Tools even carries one. These come in both fluorescent and LED styles. If you buy fluorescent, you’ll want to replace the supplied bulb with a daylight bulb. Unfortunately I can’t speak much on whether or not the LED lamps are a good fit for this kind of work as I don’t own one and haven’t worked with one either. Whatever you decide, I recommend getting a lamp with a long swing arm that clamps to the edge of your desk if possible. This will give you a lot of freedom to position the lamp head where you need it and can save valuable real estate on your workspace, particularly if it’s a small area to begin with.

One last tip, check your local Staples/Office Depot type office supply store, they typically have a good assortment of lamps that you can check out before you order one online. You may also get lucky and find a sale/markdown item that’s just right!

Typical swing arm Fluorescent Lamp with desk clamp - Make sure you get a daylight bulb for this.

Typical swing arm Fluorescent Lamp with desk clamp – Make sure you get a daylight bulb for this.

A Clear View

This next item is optional and also somewhat dependent on you and your lighting choice and work situation. If you’re an older gamer/hobbyist you’ve probably noticed that those tiny details are probably getting a bit harder to see. I find myself getting a lot more squinty these days so I’ve had to look for some solutions. I was using a set of cheapo drugstore magnifiers/reading glasses and then stumbled across the Donegan OptiVISOR. This is a magnifying visor with an adjustable headband that you can wear over your prescription glasses if need be. The lenses are replaceable and you can buy several different sizes of magnification. These take a little getting used to but once you have them fitted correctly you hardly notice they are there and the visor part moves independently of the headband so they can be flipped up out of the way if necessary.

Donegan OptiiVISOR with replaceable lenses

Donegan OptiiVISOR with replaceable lenses

There’s also an accessory for the OptiVISOR that I really like. It’s an LED light kit that attaches to the lens plate and has 6 bright white LEDs that really throw some spot illumination on your subject for those times you need to see some up close detail. This accessory comes with everything you need to mount it and it only takes about 5 minutes to install. It’s powered by double A batteries which are easily replaceable. Once you’ve installed this you don’t notice that it’s even there, until you need it. This gives you portable light when and where you need it and can easily be throw into a travel tool kit if you need to.

The OptiVISOR LED Light Attachment

The OptiVISOR LED Light Attachment

Razor Saw

Another tool I like to have around is a Precision Razor Saw. Some of the tasks you’ll use this for will be cutting parts off of thick resin sprues, cutting molded bases off of miniatures or customizing and kitbashing models. These aren’t too expensive and if you purchased a knife set with a large handle you can just buy these X-Acto blades separately. If you’re going to be sawing wood or plastic for terrain construction or kitbashing, consider adding a mini miter box to go with your saw.

X-Acto Razor Saw Set

X-Acto Razor Saw Set

Motoring Along

You may be considering adding a Dremel type tool to your kit and I think that can be a handy tool. Keep in mind that those things run at high speeds and can quickly damage what you’re working on or get away from you. For that reason I really like the Dremel MiniMite. The MiniMite is a cordless version of the Dremel that fits well in your hand and runs at a slower speed, making it easier to control. It’s also portable and rechargeable. It accepts all of the usual Dremel rotary tool accessories as far as I’m aware. The best part? It’s only about twenty five bucks on Amazon and ships for free.

Dremel 7300- N8 MiniMite Cordless Rotary Tool

Dremel 7300- N8 MiniMite Cordless Rotary Tool

If you think you’d like a larger, more powerful, yet still portable tool, check out the Dremel 7700 Cordless Moto Tool. The Dremel 7700 does cost about twice as much as the MiniMite though. You’ll want to accessorize your Dremel with some attachments so check out a couple of the accessory kits, I have this 160 Piece Dremel Accessory Set which covers pretty much any eventuality.

This Dremel 160 piece accessory set probably  covers every task you're going to want to do with a moto tool

This Dremel 160 piece accessory set probably covers every task you’re going to want to do with a moto tool

Hold On!

Sometimes you wish you had a third – or fourth – hand. There are a couple of tools you can get that are almost like having some extra hands around to help you out. The first one is some small spring clamps. I have some similar to these Wolfcraft Hobby Clamps that I picked up a long time ago. My only complaint with the set I have that they are a bit stronger than I’d like and they’re all exactly the same size and shape. This Wolfcraft set actually includes some different styles of clamp and looks a little more suited to what we’re doing. I’ve ordered a set and will post my thoughts on them after I’ve had a chance to work with them some.

The Wolfcraft Hobby Clamp Set comes with a variety of different style clamps that will come in handy

The Wolfcraft Hobby Clamp Set comes with a variety of different style clamps that will come in handy

The next item is also a clamp but it’s a larger, different style of clamp that you may need if you’re making terrain or assembling some of the larger model kits like tanks, flyers, or laser cut buildings. This is a sliding bar clamp that comes in a mini size with a maximum four inch jaw opening. It’s just the right size for a lot of larger hobby projects without being ungainly and taking up your whole desk. These are available at Amazon in a two pack but hold the phone – Harbor Freight carries these for a mere two bucks apiece and you can buy them indiviually. I’ve looked around the ‘net and I haven’t found anywhere cheaper than these. Worth a stop by your local Harbor Freight if you have one nearby.

Micro Bar Clamps - these are great for holding larger models or terrain projects together while gluing and assembling

Micro Bar Clamps – these are great for holding larger models or terrain projects together while gluing and assembling

The last “third hand” type item I’m going to recommend is a little hobby vise with a set of wide jaws. This is the PanaVise Model 201 Junior and it has a nice solid base, fine controls for adjusting the vise jaws and it tilts and pans every which-way. You can also get a couple of different attachable bases for this vise. There’s a wider base that has little parts trays around the circumference and there’s also a vacuum base version of the PanaVise Junior that’ll keep the vise from sliding around on your desk/work surface.

The PanaVise Junior Miniature Vise

The PanaVise Junior Miniature Vise

The Brush Off

Last but definitely not least, you should probably pick up a couple of small brushes for clean up. These are handy for cleaning up your needle files if they get jammed up with the shavings from cleaning and smoothing model parts. I have a three piece mini wire brush set like this one. It includes a nylon, brass and steel brush. I’ll be honest with you, the steel brush is usually overkill for most hobby projects so I don’t use it much but the brass and nylon brushes have really become essential tools for cleaning other tools and miniatures.

This Mini Brush Set is great for those little cleanup jobs

This Mini Brush Set is great for those little cleanup jobs

There are probably a few other items that I could mention but these items are among the most frequently used in my experience. I think the two key items in this list are the cutting mat and good lighting. You’ll probably want to start with those and then add the other items as you need them.  As always, if you’d like to add a helpful tip or observation, feel free to do so down below in the comment section or find me on Twitter @HolyCrapItsLate. Next time we’ll take a look at the stuff that holds things all together, glue!

Apr 242014

There’s been a lot of discussion recently about the newly released Citadel Tool set, particularly the cost of this set. While I’ve seen some reasoned attempts to justify what Games Workshop is charging for their hobby tools I think that the price for this set as well as the individual tools is, quite frankly, absurd. I’m not going to address every item here (I may do that separately in an upcoming article) but I was looking at what I personally use for “hobbying” and thought it would be helpful to share some of the things I use with you. Today we’ll take a look at the the Citadel Drill/Pin Vise and I’ll show you how to beat Games Workshop at their own game and come out way ahead in the process.

Is That Thing Made of Gold?

Citadel Drill Set fron Games Workshop

The Citadel Drill set may contain actual gold…

The Citdadel Drill costs $26 and includes the pin vise and 6 drill bits. It’s a nice looking pin vise and it comes in a nice box I guess, but damn, $26? For that same $26 you can put together a complete pinning kit that includes a Pin Vise, Drill Bits, an abundance of Brass Rod in two useful sizes and a set of full size wire cutters for trimming the brass rod so you don’t screw up your sprue cutters.

Assembling Your Pinning Kit

A pin vise will cost you about $7 – $8 depending on where you source it. I have a couple different ones but this is the one I use most. I like the round wooden handle because it feels more comfortable in my hand. I’ve seen these with both the ball type handle and a more mushroom shaped handle, both are about the same price.

Amazon Pin Vise Drill

This is the pin vise I use, it costs $8 at Amazon

This particular Pin Vise is currently available on Amazon for $7.95 with free Shipping.

Drill Bits and Brass Rod

You can go a couple of different ways here. What I mean by that is that you can get a set like this one that has an assortment of micro sized drill bits that will potentially give you a lot of flexibility – but in my experience you’re going to end up using the same two or three drill bits for about 95% of your hobbying. The other route is to just build a pinning kit with two sizes of drill bit for two different sizes of brass rod. This is what I’ve done and here is what I’m recommending based on my own experiences.

I use two different sizes of brass rod for pinning, both of which I source from K&S Precision Metals. K&S makes metal rod and tubing for modelers and the model train hobby and they have a wide variety of sizes and types of metals. You can usually find this stuff in big hobby shops or model train specialty shops. According to the K&S website you can find them at Hobby Lobby, Dick Blick, Utrecht and more. Your Friendly Local Game Store may also be able to get it for you via their distributor depending on who they use.

The first size I use is .81mm (.032”) Product Code KS1602 – this is a five pack of 12 inch long pieces & you can get this for around $2, slightly less online but you’ll have to pay shipping. For this size brass rod I use #66 drill bits which are .033” – a bit larger than the brass rod so you’re not jamming it into the hole you’ve drilled (and gouging your thumb in the process). You can pick these up from your hobby shop or online and they’re a couple bucks each in a two pack. You can also get a package of 6 or 12 drill bits for under $10 on ebay or Amazon. I mention this because eventually they will wear out or break and it’s worth having spares on hand because it sucks when you have to stop in the middle of a project because you’re short that one critical tool or item.

Brass Rod .81mm K&S #1602

Brass Rod .81mm K&S #1602

The other size brass rod I use is .51mm (.020”) Product Code KS1596 – again a 5 pack of 12 inch long pieces for around $2. These are paired with #75 .53mm drill bits, another couple bucks each for a pair or you can currently get a 10 pack on Amazon for $3.80 w/free shipping from the same vendor as the wood handled pin vise mentioned previously.

Brass Rod .51mm K&S #1596

Brass Rod .51mm K&S #1596

Last but not least I recommend a full size set of offset cutters (wire cutters) so you’re not tempted to use your sprue cutters and ruin the edge on those. You can get one of these at Harbor Freight Tool supply for $5, it’s item #66277. If you don’t have a Harbor Freight locally, you can order one – they ship everything FedEx Ground for $6.95 and there are some other items you can get from them that you’ll find very useful and inexpensive. I’ll have another post up in a few days with a list of useful items from Harbor Freight Tools.

8" Diagonal Offset Cutter - Harbor Freight Item #66277

8″ Diagonal Offset Cutter – Harbor Freight Item #66277

To sum up, your cost for this complete pinning kit is:

Pin Vise 7.95
#75 Drill Bits $3.89
#66 Drill Bits about $4
Brass Rod .51mm & .81mm about $4 (5 feet of each size, that’s going to last you awhile)
Full Size Wire Cutters $5

Total: $25 – that’s just a bit cheaper than the Citadel Drill and you end up with a complete pinning set up instead of just a drill and 6 drill bits.

For those of you interested in getting a micro drill bit set as an optional add on, those are also fairly inexpensive and while this one isn’t the exact one I have it’s very similar – 20 drill bits for eight bucks and it ships free if you’re an Amazon Prime member.

As you can see, there’s no reason to shell out twenty six bucks for a pin vise. If you only need a pin vise you can get one for a lot less. If you’re just starting out and you don’t have any of this stuff then your $26 will get you a complete set up that will meet all of your model pinning needs for a long time.


Have something to add or a helpful bit of advice? Feel free to drop some knowledge down below in the comment section!